Subtitles for


소년장수 (少年將帥 / 少年大将)

  • Year: 1982
  • Subtitles rated good
  • Not rated
  • Visited
  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E056.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E057.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E053.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E054.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E055.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E052.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E051.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E060.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E059.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • English
    • Young.general.2014.E058.EN
    By Fataobstant

    "Young general" is a North Korean animated series made by SEK Studio. The show was based on Goguryeo history. It is one of the most popular animated series in North Korea.

  • Japanese
    • Shonen.taisho.2015.E51.JA
    By Beringen1

    「朝鮮中央TV」2015年8月23日に放送された『少年大将第 51部』。金日成時代に第50部まで制作された。2014年12月、金正恩が「朝鮮4.26漫画映画撮影所」を「現地指導」し、「100部まで」作るよう指示。その指示に伴う第1作。日本語字幕付き。