Subtitles for

Остров сокровищ Imdb
- Year: 1987
- Ostrov.sokrovishch.Film.1.Karta.kapitana.Flinta.(1986).bgr.1cd
- Ostrov.sokrovishch.Film.2.Sokrovishcha.kapitana.Flinta.(1988).bgr.1cd
- ostrov.sokrovishch.(1987).1.25fps.srb.1cd
By AnonymousЕкранизација познатог романа „Острво с благом“ Роберта Луиса Стивенсона, који говори о потрази за благом капетана Флинта. Брод „Испањола“ плови морским пространством ка острву на којем је закопано чувено благо. Међутим, на броду долази до побуне. Разбоници које предводи немилосрдни капетан Џон Силвер планирају да преузму брод и задрже сво благо за себе.
- ostrov.sokrovishch.(1988).deu.1cd
By AnonymousDer Pirat Billy Bones hinterlässt dem jungen Jim Hawkins die Schatzkarte des legendären Käpt’n Flint. Es beginnt ein Wettlauf mit dem Seeräuber Long John und seinen Männern. Jim segelt zur Schatzinsel. Doch die gegnerischen Piraten haben sich mit an Bord geschlichen.
- ostrov.sokrovishch.(1988).rus.1cd
By AnonymousКультовый Советский фильм по мотивам одноимённой повести Роберта Льюиса Стивенсона, смешивающий рисованную анимацию и сцены с живыми актёрами. Обе части здесь склеены воедино.
- Treasure.island.1987.E02.EN.MrNikkiRich-Hopas
By Beringen1The first part of the film was released in 1986 and the second in 1988, after which the two parts were always displayed together. The film attained a cult classic status practically immediately after release, even though it went directly to TV and never had a theatrical release.
- Treasure.island.1987.E02.EN.MrIcon
By Beringen1"Treasure island" is a 1988 Soviet animated film in two parts based on the novel with the same name by Robert Louis Stevenson.
- Treasure.island.1987.E01.EN.MrNikkiRich-Hopas
By Beringen1The first part of the film was released in 1986 and the second in 1988, after which the two parts were always displayed together. The film attained a cult classic status practically immediately after release, even though it went directly to TV and never had a theatrical release.
- Treasure.island.1987.E01.EN.MrIcon
By Beringen1"Treasure island" is a 1988 Soviet animated film in two parts based on the novel with the same name by Robert Louis Stevenson.
Хумористична адаптация на романа от Роберт Луис Стивънсън в две части, която съчетава анимирани поредици с части на живо.