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- Year: 1990
- Mitologia.griega.1974.Prometeo.ES
- Greek.mythology.1974.Prometheus.EN
By Beringen1The story of the titan Prometheus, who stole fire from Olympos for people and was severely punished for this by Zeus : Prometheus' friend the blacksmith Hephaistos was forced to chained him to the rock, and every day the eagle that flew from Olympos pecked the recovering liver of Prometheus. But the agony of Prometheus was not in vain - people preserved his sacred gift.
- Mitologia.griega.1971.Laberinto.ES
By Beringen1Teseo, el hijo del rey ateniense Egeas, fue criado por un centauro. Ahora es el momento de regresar con tu padre en Ateneai. En el camino, libera al vecindario del feroz jabalí y el insidioso ladrón Procroustes.
- Greek.mythology.1971.Labyrinth.EN
By Beringen1Theseus, the son of the Athenian king Aegeas, was raised by a centaur. Now it's time to return to your father in Athenai. On the way, he liberates the neighborhood from the fierce boar and insidious robber Prokroustes.
- Mitologia.griega.1973.Perseo.ES
By Beringen1El insidioso rey Polydectes de la isla Serifos envía al joven héroe Perseo detrás de la cabeza de la gorgona Medusa, cuya mirada convierte a la gente en piedra. Le acompaña el dios del comercio y el beneficio y mecenas de los ladrones y atletas Hermes, que persigue sus intereses personales. Perseo obtiene la cabeza de Medusa, pero la usa como resultado para salvar a Andromeda, la hija del rey Cefeo.
- Greek.mythology.1973.Perseus.EN
By Beringen1The insidious king Polydektes of Serifos Island sends the young hero Perseus behind the head of gorgon Medusa, whose look turns people to stone. Accompanying him is the god of trade and profit and patron of thieves and athletes Hermes, who pursues his personal interests. Perseus gets the head of Medusa, but uses it as a result to save Andromeda - the daughter of king Kepheus.
- Mitologia.griega.1986.Heracles.y.Admetis.ES
By Beringen1Moirai predijo una muerte temprana a Admetis. Se volvió hacia Pitia y ella le dio la voluntad de Apollon : podría deshacerse de la muerte si otra persona aceptaba morir en su lugar. Siguiendo el consejo de Hermes, Admetis emprende una búsqueda, pero ni los soldados que van a la batalla ni el anciano pobre y ciego aceptan morir en su lugar.
- Greek.mythology.1986.Herakles.and.Admetos.EN
By Beringen1Moirai predicted an early death to Admetos. He turned to Pythia, and she gave him the will of Apollon : He could get rid of death if someone else agreed to die instead. On the advice of Hermes, Admetos goes on a quest, but neither the soldiers going to battle nor the poor blind old man agreed to die in his stead.
- Greek.mythology.1996.Polyphemos.Akis.and.Galateia.EN
By Beringen1Galateia resorts to the help of Aphrodite, to fall in love with Akis and she fulfills her request. Unfortunately, their happiness will not last long. Aphrodite's unrelenting son, Eros, decides to be mean and, in addition to Akis, falls in love with her also cyclops Polyphemos.
- Mitologia.griega.1996.Polifemo.Acis.y.Galatea.ES
By Beringen1Galateia recurre a la ayuda de Afrodita, para enamorarse de Acis y ella cumple con su pedido. Desafortunadamente, su felicidad no durará mucho. El implacable hijo de Afrodita, Eros, decide ser malo y, además de Acis, se enamora de ella también del cíclope Polifemo.
By Beringen1Trong đền thờ Zeus xảy ra tranh cãi nhân sinh quan giữa Herakles và con đại bàng của ngài.
- Mitologia.griega.1992.La.ninfa.Salmacis.ES
By Beringen1Salmacis llevó una vida despreocupada entre bosques densos y cascadas relucientes, hasta que encontró la flecha de Eros. Accidentalmente pinchada, sintió una dulce dicha en todo su cuerpo.
- Greek.mythology.1992.The.nymph.Salamakis.EN
By Beringen1Salmakis led a carefree life among dense forests and sparkling waterfalls, until she found the arrow of Eros. Accidentally pricked, she felt a sweet bliss all over her body.
By Beringen1Caricatura para adultos, basada en la versión del mito griego antiguo de Simónides sobre el nacimiento del dios del amor de Aphodite y Ares. A pesar de la resistencia de los dioses olímpicos, Love vino al mundo. El erot está destinado a transformar el mundo, a dar a las relaciones mutuas de personas un nuevo significado y significado.
- Greek.mythology.1989.The.birth.of.Eros.EN
By Beringen1Cartoon for adults, based on the version of the Ancient Greek myth from Simonides about the birth of the god of Love from Aphodite and Ares. Despite the resistance of the Olympian gods, Love came to the world. The erot is destined to transform the world, to give to mutual relations of people a new meaning and meaning.
- Greek.mythology.1969.Return.from.the.Olympos.EN
By Beringen1Olympos. Here all the most important gods: mighty Zeus, his insidious wife Hera, handsome and singer Apollon, ruler of the seas Poseidon, warrior Ares, goddess of beauty and love of Aphrodite and wise Athena. Immediately, the illegitimate son of Zeus, Herakles - a demigod-half-man. Having missed the Earth, he begs for it from Zeus before sunrise.
- Mitologia.griega.1990.Dafne.ES
By Beringen1Por la voluntad de Eros, Apolo se enamoró de Dafne. Y su amor por Apolo es repugnante. Huyendo del amor de Apolo, Dafne se convierte en un árbol. La venganza de Eros se hizo a Apolo, que deseó la muerte de Eros.
- Greek.mythology.1990.Daphne.EN
By Beringen1By the will of Eros, Apollon fell in love with Daphne. And her love of Apollo is disgusting. Fleeing from the love of Apollon, Daphne turns into a tree. The revenge of Eros was made to Apollon, who desired Eros' death.
- Greek.mythology.1971.Argonauts.EN
By Beringen1Two Greek teenage-goats find the ruins of a ship on the shore and next to them a long-haired old man with a gray beard who tells them the history of this ship. The old ship was called Argo, and it was built by a skilled architect named Arg. On the ship itself was installed the wooden head of the goddess Athena. The greatest heroes of Hellas, led by Iason himself, sailed on it for the Golden Fleece to the Kolkhis kingdom.
- Yunan.mitolojisi.1971.Argonotlar.TR
By Beringen1İki Yunanlı genç keçi, kıyıda bir geminin kalıntılarını ve yanında, gri sakallı bir uzun saçlı yaşlı bir adamı buluyor ve onlara bu geminin geçmişini anlatıyor. Eski gemiye Argo adı verildi ve Arg adlı yetenekli bir mimar tarafından inşa edildi. Gemide tanrıça Athena'nın ahşap başı kuruldu. Jasın liderliğindeki Hellas'ın en büyük kahramanları Altın Çakmak için Kolhis krallığına geldiler.
La historia del titán Prometeo, que robó fuego del Olimpo para las personas y fue severamente castigado por esto por Zeus : El amigo de Prometeo, el herrero Hefesto, fue forzado a encadenarlo a la roca, y todos los días el águila que voló desde el Olimpo picoteó la recuperación hígado de Prometeo. Pero la agonía de Prometeo no fue en vano, la gente preservó su don sagrado.