Subtitles for
Zou xiang gong he (Towards the Republic / 走向共和) - First Season Imdb
- Year: 2003
- Huong.toi.cong.hoa.2003.E01.VI
- Towards.the.republic.2003.E06.EN
By Fataobstant"Towards the republic" is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been subject to censorship in mainland China.
Chinese BG code
- Zou.xiang.gong.he.2003.E05.CN
By Fataobstant劇情背景為自清朝慈禧太后歸政光緒皇帝,至民初袁世凱稱帝失敗,約廿年間的中國歷史,包括洋務運動、中日甲午戰爭、戊戌變法、庚子拳亂、八國聯軍、庚子後新政、預備立憲、丁未政潮、孫中山革命起義、宋教仁案與二次革命、洪憲帝制、張勳復闢等史事。敘事主要圍繞以下六位主角發展:慈禧太后、李鴻章、光緒皇帝、康有為、袁世凱、孫中山。
Chinese BG code
- Zou.xiang.gong.he.2003.E03.CN
By Fataobstant劇情背景為自清朝慈禧太后歸政光緒皇帝,至民初袁世凱稱帝失敗,約廿年間的中國歷史,包括洋務運動、中日甲午戰爭、戊戌變法、庚子拳亂、八國聯軍、庚子後新政、預備立憲、丁未政潮、孫中山革命起義、宋教仁案與二次革命、洪憲帝制、張勳復闢等史事。敘事主要圍繞以下六位主角發展:慈禧太后、李鴻章、光緒皇帝、康有為、袁世凱、孫中山。
Chinese BG code
- Zou.xiang.gong.he.2003.E04.CN
By Fataobstant劇情背景為自清朝慈禧太后歸政光緒皇帝,至民初袁世凱稱帝失敗,約廿年間的中國歷史,包括洋務運動、中日甲午戰爭、戊戌變法、庚子拳亂、八國聯軍、庚子後新政、預備立憲、丁未政潮、孫中山革命起義、宋教仁案與二次革命、洪憲帝制、張勳復闢等史事。敘事主要圍繞以下六位主角發展:慈禧太后、李鴻章、光緒皇帝、康有為、袁世凱、孫中山。
Chinese BG code
- Zou.xiang.gong.he.2003.E02.CN
By Fataobstant劇情背景為自清朝慈禧太后歸政光緒皇帝,至民初袁世凱稱帝失敗,約廿年間的中國歷史,包括洋務運動、中日甲午戰爭、戊戌變法、庚子拳亂、八國聯軍、庚子後新政、預備立憲、丁未政潮、孫中山革命起義、宋教仁案與二次革命、洪憲帝制、張勳復闢等史事。敘事主要圍繞以下六位主角發展:慈禧太后、李鴻章、光緒皇帝、康有為、袁世凱、孫中山。
Chinese BG code
- Zou.xiang.gong.he.2003.E01.CN
By Fataobstant劇情背景為自清朝慈禧太后歸政光緒皇帝,至民初袁世凱稱帝失敗,約廿年間的中國歷史,包括洋務運動、中日甲午戰爭、戊戌變法、庚子拳亂、八國聯軍、庚子後新政、預備立憲、丁未政潮、孫中山革命起義、宋教仁案與二次革命、洪憲帝制、張勳復闢等史事。敘事主要圍繞以下六位主角發展:慈禧太后、李鴻章、光緒皇帝、康有為、袁世凱、孫中山。
- Towards.the.republic.2003.E04.EN
By Fataobstant"Towards the republic" is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been subject to censorship in mainland China.
- Towards.the.republic.2003.E05.EN
By Fataobstant"Towards the republic" is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been subject to censorship in mainland China.
- Towards.the.republic.2003.E02.EN
By Fataobstant"Towards the republic" is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been subject to censorship in mainland China.
- Towards.the.republic.2003.E03.EN
By Fataobstant"Towards the republic" is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been subject to censorship in mainland China.
- Towards.the.republic.2003.E01.EN
By Fataobstant"Towards the republic" is a Chinese historical television series first broadcast on CCTV from April to May 2003. The series is based on events that occurred in China between the late 19th century and early 20th century that led to the collapse of the Qing dynasty and the founding of the Republic of China. Owing to its portrayal of historical issues deemed politically sensitive by the Chinese government, the series has been subject to censorship in mainland China.