Subtitles for

A Wife's Credentials (How Long I've Kissed? / Anaeui Jagyeog / 아내의 자격) Imdb
- Year: 2012
By Myha299 -
By Myha299download vui lòng rate cho mình và ghi credit khi đăng video. Cảm ơn!
- A Wife's Credentials S01 (2012) 1080p WEB-DL H.264 AAC - AppleTor
By RahpooyanSubs by Darksmurfsub, Retimed By Eragon123
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E16.END.120419.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 16. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E15.120418.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 15. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E14.120412.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 14. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E12.120405.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 12. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E13.120411.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 13. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E11.120404.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fit to all versions of episode 11. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E09.120328.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 9. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E10.120329.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 10. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E08.120322.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 8. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E07.120321.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 7. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E06.120315.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 6. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E05.120314.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 5. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E04.120308.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 4. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E03.120307.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 3. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E02.120301.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 2. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- A.Wifes.Credentials.E01.120229.HDTV.H264-Khai
By riri13These subtitles fit to all versions of episode 1. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It}