Subtitles for

Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast (Noyuki yamayuki umibe yuki / 野ゆき山ゆき海べゆき) Imdb
- Year: 1986
- Noyuki_yamayuki_umibe_yuki_1986_720p_HDTV_AAC_DoA
- Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast 1986 720p HDTV x264 AAC-DoA
- Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast (No-yuki yama-yuki umibe-yuki) 1986 [ Nobuhiko Obayashi] (Color)
By EriiisTranslated by: @ipitonyou
- Bound for the Fields, the Mountains, and the Seacoast 1986 720p HDTV x264 AAC-DoA
By RahpooyanJust Uploaded By Me!!
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