Subtitles for

Dracula Imdb
- Year: 1931
- Dracula 1931 [Spanish] 1080p Bluray DTS x264-GCJM
- Dracula 1931 SPANISH VERSION 720p BluRay x264-CiNEFiLE
- Dracula 1931 [Spanish] 1080p Bluray DTS x264-GCJM
- Dracula 1931 SPANISH VERSION 720p BluRay x264-CiNEFiLE
By lonelyhighwayBetter than the best. At long last, a thorough, painstaking, and accurate translation using the film's actual Spanish-language dialogue as its basis. Other subtitles primarily consist of dialogue lifted from its English-language counterpart, even though it most often fails to convey the true sense of what is being said onscreen. These subtitles are calibrated to work for any file with a duration of 1:43:16.
BasqueBy jon_azpi
Banpiroen filmetan, klasiko bat, Tod Browning-ek soinuzko zinemaren hastapenetan filmatua Bela Lugosi handiarekin. Antzerki egokitzapen batean oinarritua (egileak: Hamilton Deane, John L. Balderston) eta hori, era berean, Bram Stoker-en eleberrian.
- Dracula.1931.SPANISH.VERSION.720p.BluRay.x264-CiNEFiLE [PublicHD]
By Donnie27Brascoالنسخــــة الأسبانيـــة *.هام: الترجمة حصرية تماما بسوبسين ويُمنع نشرها في القنوات ومواقع عرض وتحميل الأفلام. هام: الترجمة حصرية تماما بسوبسين ويُمنع نشرها في القنوات ومواقع عرض وتحميل الأفلام. هام: الترجمة حصرية تماما بسوبسين ويُمنع نشرها في القنوات ومواقع عرض وتحميل الأفلام
Mejor que los mejores. (Better than the best). Finally, and for the first time anywhere, Spanish-language subtitles based on a thorough, painstaking, and accurate transcription of the film's actual dialogue. These subtitles are calibrated to work for any file with a duration of 1:43:16.