
Сказання про Ігорів похід (Сказание про Игорев поход / Igor viễn chinh truyền kì)

  • Release info:
  • A commentary by
  • The movie describes a failed raid made in year 1185 by Kniaz Igor Svyatoslavich, Prince of Novgorod-Seversk on the Polovtsians (Cumans) tribe living in the southern part of the Don region. Other Rus' historical figures are mentioned, including skald Boyan (The Bard), the princes Vseslav of Polotsk, Yaroslav Osmomysl of Halych, and Vsevolod the Big Nest of Suzdal. The author appeals to the warring Rus' princes and pleads for unity in the face of the constant threat from the Turkic East.