Justified - Sixth Season
Release info:
Justified.S06E01.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedJustified.S06E13.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedJustified.S06.720p.5.1Ch.BluRay.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedJustified Season 06 720p 5.1Ch BluRay ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedJustified.S06E13.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedJustified.S06E01-13.ReEnc-DeeJayAhmedJustified.S06xComplete Season for BluRay ReEnc-DeeJayAhmed
Subs for the entire sixth season of Justified.The subtitles have been cleaned and corrected, HI removed and tons of missing dialog dashes added or dialogs split into separate appearances, while the timing has been improved as well. They sync perfectly with the BluRay ReEnc DeeJayAhmed release. Might work fine with other BluRay releases. Please try at your own risk and don't blame these subs, if they don't fit with your release.