KBS Drama Special (드라마 스페셜 2017 / Deurama Seupesyeol 2017)
Release info:
드라마 스페셜.우리가 못자는 이유.The.Reason.We.Can't.Sleep.E08.171022-NEXT-KBSWorldTV드라마 스페셜.우리가 못자는 이유.The.Reason.Why.We.Can't.Sleep.E08.171022-NEXT-KBSWorldTV
Ep. 8 [KBS World TV Ver]. Synced for NEXT. Enjoy... ;). Can be download at following link (540p Reencoded) => https://goo.gl/ErmmuK. Note : Ep 1 - 4 are hardsubbed version on KBS World TV, so you'll have to download it from KBS World TV Official Youtube Channel :)