Subtitles for


Little House in the Forest (Supsok-eui Jageun Jib / 숲속의 작은 집)

  • Year: 2018
  • Subtitles rated good
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  • Visited
  • Farsi/Persian
    By binneri1

    ترجمه ی اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • Farsi/Persian
    By binneri1

    ترجمه ی اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • Farsi/Persian
    By binneri1

    ترجمه ی اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E10.en
  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
    By Yuri4ever

    Eksperimen hari ini adalah makanan lokal! Makanan terbaik dengan bahan-bahan lokal terbaik! Dengan bahan-bahan pilihan dan persiapan yang matang, kira-kira makanan apa yang dimasak hari ini?

  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E09.en
    By Yuri4ever

    Today’s experiment is about local food campaign! It says we can make good food with the best local ingredients! With carefully selecting and preparing the ingredients, what would be the today’s meal?

  • Farsi/Persian
    By binneri1

    ترجمه اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • Farsi/Persian
    By binneri1

    ترجمه اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • Farsi/Persian
    • Little House in the Forest.E05.[KDDLL.Blog.IR]
    By binneri1

    ترجمه اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E08.en
    By Yuri4ever

    Subjects who get their own cameras for sharing talents! What are the small but good talents they got?","added":1527837036000,"descriptionLocalized":{"th":"Subjects who get their own cameras for sharing talents! What are the small but good talents they got?

  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
    By Yuri4ever

    Subyek-subyek yang menggunakan kamera untuk berbagi talenta! Talenta apa yang mereka punya?

  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E07.en
    By Yuri4ever

    Different subjects with brush and paint at the door! They perform the same experiment with different reactions… What would the work by Shin-hye be like?

  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
    By Yuri4ever

    Subyek berbeda dengan kuas dan cat yang ditorehkan di pintu! Penampilan memukau yang sama namun dengan reaksi yang berbeda... Kira-kira bagaimana hasil kerja Shin-hye?

  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E06.en
    By Yuri4ever

    Subject B is off this time looking for a rainbow in the woods… How would it be like? What about the fruit hammock that Shin-hye creates after 7 hours?

  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
    By Yuri4ever

    Subyek B mencari pelangi di hutan dan apakah Shin-hye sukses membuat tempat tidur gantung dari buah-buahan?

  • Farsi/Persian
    • Little House in the Forest.E04
    By binneri1

    ترجمه اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E05.en
    By Yuri4ever

    Early in the morning, an experiment is given to the subjects: work out until your heart bursts out!

  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
    By Yuri4ever

    Kegiatan yang harus dilakukan di pagi hari: olahraga sampai jantung berdegup kencang!

  • Farsi/Persian
    • Little House in the Forest E03
    By binneri1

    ترجمه ی اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E04.en
  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
    By Yuri4ever

    Percobaan kebahagiaan ketiga untuk menemukan patokan kebahagiaan mereka sendiri. Apakah mereka bahagia sekarang?

  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E03.en
    By Yuri4ever

    The third happiness experiment to find their own happiness standard. Are you happy now?

  • Farsi/Persian
    • Little House the Forest.E02
    By binneri1

    ترجمه ی اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم: بهناز

  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E02.en
    By Yuri4ever

    The second day of moving in, Shin-hye, Ji-sub and one camera all together went into the woods with a lunchbox. What the real happiness they find in nature is?

  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
    By Yuri4ever

    Setelah hari kedua pindah, Shin-hye, Ji-sub dan satu kamera bersamaan makan siang di hutan, kebahagiaan apa yang bisa mereka dapatkan di alam?

  • Farsi/Persian
    • Little.House.the.Forest.E01
    By binneri1

    ترجمه ی اختصاصی کافه دراما مترجم : بهناز

  • English
    • Little House in the Woods E01.en
    By Yuri4ever

    Every contemporary man dreams of living in a little cabin in the woods where have no electricity, water, or gas. Park Shin-hye and So Ji-sub will have an experiment on looking for a happiness.

  • Indonesian
    • Little House in the Woods
    By Yuri4ever

    Setiap orang modern sebenarnya ingin untuk pindah ke sebuah rumah kecil di hutan belantara tanpa listrik, air dan gas. Park Shin-hye dan So Ji-sub mencoba untuk mencari kebahagiaan dalam kesederhanaan.