
My Absolute Boyfriend (Absolute Boyfriend / Jeoldae Geui / 절대 그이)

  • Release info:
    절대 그이.My.Absolute.Boyfriend.E35.190711.1080p.WEB-DL-VIU
    절대 그이.My.Absolute.Boyfriend.E36.190711.1080p.WEB-DL-VIU
    절대 그이.My.Absolute.Boyfriend.E37.190711.1080p.WEB-DL-VIU
    절대 그이.My.Absolute.Boyfriend.E38.190711.1080p.WEB-DL-VIU
    절대 그이.Absolute.Boyfriend.E35.190711.1080p.WEB-DL-VIU
    절대 그이.Absolute.Boyfriend.E36.190711.1080p.WEB-DL-VIU
    절대 그이.Absolute.Boyfriend.E37.190711.1080p.WEB-DL-VIU
    절대 그이.Absolute.Boyfriend.E38.190711.1080p.WEB-DL-VIU
  • A commentary by
  • Ep. 35 - 38 [VIU Ver.] "I Want To Live", "I Want To Remember Everything", "Young Gu's Decision" & "Da Da Accepted Me For Who I Am". Synced for WEBDL. Runtime E35, E36, E37 & E38 > 00:27:19, 00:32:09, 00:33:00 & 00:26:53. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : Download link in txt file, check E39 & E40 page. (This is NOT COMPATIBLE WITH NEXT VER. DO NOT DOWNLOAD & USE FOR NEXT VER)