Subtitles for

Poseidon (포세이돈) Imdb
- Year: 2011
- Poseidon E01-E16.END.HDTV
- Poseidon (포세이돈)
By copieur1 -
Big 5 code
- 포세이돈-Poseidon.2011.E01-16.HDTV.H264.1080p-HanSun
By TteokbokkiSubs1[WITHS2] Synced to Hansun 1080p HD versions. Can be resynced to re encoded versions.
- 포세이돈-Poseidon.2011.E01-16.HDTV.XviD-HANrel
- 포세이돈-Poseidon.2011.E01-16.720p.HDTV.X264-HANrel
By TteokbokkiSubs1[WITHS2] Synced to HanREL SD-XvID and 720p HD versions. Can be resynced to re encoded versions.
- ep 1-16
By K O ANot mine
- poseidon_episode_14_marikyu
By Kyu3288 -
- Poseidon.E16.END.111108.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 16. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E15.111107.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 15. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E14.111101.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 14. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E13.111101.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 13. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E12.111025.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 12. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E11.111024.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 11. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E10.111018.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 10. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E09.111017.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 9. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E08.111011.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 8. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E07.111010.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 7. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E06.111004.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 6. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E05.111003.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 5. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E04.110927.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 4. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E03.110926.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 3. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E02.110920.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 2. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- Poseidon.E01.110919.HDTV.XViD-HANrel
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 1. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- K-Drama Subtitle
By Chumhienk -
- K-Drama Subtitle
By Chumhienk
GrTeam subs