Subtitles for

Return to Me Imdb
- Year: 2000
- Return to Me (2000).WEBRip.AMAZON
By Hallow -
- Return.To.Me.2000.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM]
By ARM_RRالفيلم بطولة مينى درايفر وديفيد دوشوفني وهو ترجمتى وترجمة استاذ محمد صابر
- Return.To.Me.2000.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM]
By ARM_RRالفيلم بطولة مينى درايفر وديفيد دوشوفني وهو ترجمتى وترجمة استاذ محمد صابر
- Return.To.Me.2000.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM]
By mohamed_Elmaster1ترجمة ♦Return to me 2000♦ ♣ MoHaMeD El_MaSTeR ♣ 💫 ARM مــصــر 💫
By Firewalker.dkRetail from webrip (enjoy and rate) ikke tilpasset
By Firewalker.dkRetail from webrip (enjoy and rate) ikke tilpasset
- return-to-me.norsk
By Firewalker.dkRetail from webrip (enjoy and rate) ikke tilpasset
By HaraldBluetoothDVD retail tilpasset BluRay 23.976 FPS. Tak for teksten til :)
By DonToribioCredit to uploaders ADEL51, pinoypirate & fl0yd for a base with which to work! These subs have been extensively reworked! I THINK I got 99% of the dialogue... there was lots of it, and lots of it overlapped, so I edited-out some of the extraneous parts. I translated a little of the Italian dialogue at the end. I left SOME of the music lyrics in. Enjoy!
- Return.To.Me.2000.WS.DVDRip.XViD.iNT-EwDp-2CDs
By DonToribioCredit to uploaders ADEL51, pinoypirate & fl0yd for a base with which to work! These subs have been extensively reworked! I THINK I got 99% of the dialogue... there was lots of it, and lots of it overlapped, so I edited-out some of the extraneous parts. I translated a little of the Italian dialogue at the end. I left SOME of the music lyrics in. Enjoy!
- Return.To.Me.2000.WS.DVDRip.XViD.iNT-EwDp-1CD
By DonToribioCredit to uploaders ADEL51, pinoypirate & fl0yd for a base with which to work! These subs have been extensively reworked! I THINK I got 99% of the dialogue... there was lots of it, and lots of it overlapped, so I edited-out some of the extraneous parts. I translated a little of the Italian dialogue at the end. I left SOME of the music lyrics in. Enjoy!
- Return.To.Me.2000.DVDRip-BRONZ
By DonToribioCredit to uploaders ADEL51, pinoypirate & fl0yd for a base with which to work! These subs have been extensively reworked! I THINK I got 99% of the dialogue... there was lots of it, and lots of it overlapped, so I edited-out some of the extraneous parts. I translated a little of the Italian dialogue at the end. I left SOME of the music lyrics in. Enjoy!
- Return To Me (2000)-1.36gb-560x320-23fps
By DonToribioCredit to uploaders ADEL51, pinoypirate & fl0yd for a base with which to work! These subs have been extensively reworked! I THINK I got 99% of the dialogue... there was lots of it, and lots of it overlapped, so I edited-out some of the extraneous parts. I translated a little of the Italian dialogue at the end. I left SOME of the music lyrics in. Enjoy!
- Return to Me (2000)-1.04gb-640x360-25fps
By DonToribioCredit to uploaders ADEL51, pinoypirate & fl0yd for a base with which to work! These subs have been extensively reworked! I THINK I got 99% of the dialogue... there was lots of it, and lots of it overlapped, so I edited-out some of the extraneous parts. I translated a little of the Italian dialogue at the end. I left SOME of the music lyrics in. Enjoy!
- Return To Me - [DVDRip] Eng [ShadoWCraft]
By DonToribioCredit to uploaders ADEL51, pinoypirate & fl0yd for a base with which to work! These subs have been extensively reworked! I THINK I got 99% of the dialogue... there was lots of it, and lots of it overlapped, so I edited-out some of the extraneous parts. I translated a little of the Italian dialogue at the end. I left SOME of the music lyrics in. Enjoy!
- Return To Me[DVDRip] Eng [ShadoWCraft]
By pinoypirate -
- Return To Me XviD AC3 Lrietveld
By fl0ydbased on subs from ADEL51
- ReturnToMe.2CD 2000
By ADEL51 -
- ReturnToMe.1CD 2000
By ADEL51ReturnToMe.1CD 2000---1.36 GB
DutchBy Ruudsr
DutchBy majed470
PortugueseBy Anonymous
SwedishBy JJanssen