Subtitles for

Symbiopsychotaxiplasm: Take 2 1/2 Imdb
- Year: 2005
- Symbiopsychotaxiplasm.Take.
- Symbiopsychotaxiplasm.Take.
- Symbiopsychotaxiplasm.Take.
- Symbiopsychotaxiplasm.Take.
By fxOCROCR'd from retail PGS/SUP, fixed common errors, and spellchecked. Hopefully I got everything right. If not, please comment if you find any errors. Works with the ORBS BluRay releases, probably also other BluRay rips. This is the SDH version.
Chinese BG code
- 共生心理分类学.第2幕.Symbiopsychotaxiplasm.Take.2-1/2.2003.D9.MiniSD-TLF[ED2000.COM]_track3_chs
By 简体中文 Chinese simplified
- Symbiopsychotaxiplasm.Take.2.5.2005.DVDRip.XviD-DIMENSION
OCR'd from retail PGS/SUP, fixed common errors, and spellchecked. Hopefully I got everything right. If not, please comment if you find any errors. Works with the ORBS BluRay releases, probably also other BluRay rips. This is the non-SDH version.