
The Day of the Jackal - Season 1

  • Release info:
  • A commentary by
  • HI ASS-thetic™🍑 Improved. ➡️Flag Version 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇭🇺 🇪🇪 🇭🇷⬅️ Between the inconsequent timings and the tiny font of the embedded subs for the translations of the foreign dialogues, I found that additional text above those subs was distracting. Therefore I've limited these texts by putting a (country) flag in front of the embedded subs, instead of texts like "[THEY HAVE A CONVERSATION IN SPANISH]" or "[HE SPEAKS IN HUNGARIAN]", or so, above them. Because Pashto is not the most spoken language in Afghanistan, I've opted for a flag with the text "Pashto" in the Pashto script. At the beginning of every episode I've given a legenda of the flags used. As always, with build-in custom fonts, no install needed. This is not a plain .srt, butt a peachy .ass sub 🤩