The Empire (Cheongongui Seongchae / 디 엠파이어: 법의 제국)
Release info:
디 엠파이어: 법의 제국.The.Empire.E05.221008.HDTV.H264-NEXT디 엠파이어: 법의 제국.The.Empire.of.Law.E05.221008.HDTV.H264-NEXT디 엠파이어: 법의 제국.Castle.in.the.Sky.E05.221008.HDTV.H264-NEXT디 엠파이어: 법의 제국.Fortress.of.Heaven.E05.221008.HDTV.H264-NEXT
Official VIU subtitles resynced for NEXT version. Sorry for the late upload. Cannot login in Subscene in days. Runtime: 01:02:37 Follow me at Twitter: @wakkwall596 for updates about subtitle uploads, etc.