Subtitles for

The End of the World / Segyeui Kkeut (세계의 끝)
- Year: 2013
- The End of the World ep1-12end
ArabicBy Taif_m
- TEOTW.EP01[Joheun Team]
- The.End.of.The.World.E12.END.130505.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 12. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.of.the.World.E11.130428.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 11. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- 세계의 끝 / Segyeui Kkeut/The End Of The World
By kayakmyak -
- The.End.of.the.World.E10.130421.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 10. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.of.the.World.E09.130414.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 9. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.of.the.World.E08.130407.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 8. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.Of.The.World.E07.130406.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 7. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.Of.The.World.E06.130331.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 6. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.Of.The.World.E05.130330.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 5. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.Of.The.World.E04.130324.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 4. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.Of.The.World.E03.130323.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 3. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.Of.The.World.E02.130317.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 2. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
- The.End.Of.The.World.E01.130316.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By riri13These subtitles fits to all versions of episode 1. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fits all of the versions}
Translation was made by ODK team