Subtitles for

The Heroes - First Season Imdb
- Year: 2008
- Pahlevanan.episode2.safi.persian
- Pahlevanan S01 E01
By valizadeh_alireza123By valizadeh_alireza123
- The Heroes S01E01
By theheroes -
- The Heroes S01E01
By EscanorSamaEnglish subtitle for the very first episode of the show called "Pahlawanan" AKA "The heroes" or what I rather call it "The gallants". This will be the only episode I translate. I translated thousands of minutes of English to Farsi before, so this time I aim to test and hone my skills doing the opposite. hope you like it. BEHOLD MY MIGHT!
- The.Heroes.S01E01.English.Web-dl
By Milad_AldersonEnglish subtitle for Pahlevanan S01E01
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