The Kidnapping Day (The Day / The Day of the Kidnapping / Yugwaeui Nal / 유괴의 날)
Release info:
유괴의 날.The.Kidnapping.Day.E09.231012.HDTV.H264유괴의 날.The.Day.E09.231012.HDTV.H264유괴의 날.The.Day.of.the.Kidnapping.E09.231012.HDTV.H264
Official Amazon Prime Video subtitles resynced for HDTV version. With some lines added. Also added .ass file to overlap with Korean hardcoded subs. This is not a NEXT version but an HDTV version. Runtime: 01:00:20 Follow me at Twitter: @wakkwall596 for updates about subtitle uploads, etc.