
The Real Ghostbusters - Second Season

  • Release info:
  • A commentary by
  • Source: Netflix (All Rights Reserved To The Respected Owners)ـ█ـ Translation: Lilian Khedr (16) | Mira Saleepy (12) | Mounira Kawkabany (10) | Baheej Ajab (3) | Rolan Karam (3) | Nour Hariry (3) | Safaa Ibraheem (3) | Bilal Bajoq (2) | Sara Al-Hamoury (2) | Sandy Mounir (1) | Sandy Al-Hadad (1) | Ela Karam (1) | Bahaa Aitany (1) | Sabeen Mounir (1) | Lara Nakd (1) | Eman Dandsh (1) | Rakeel Arab (1) | Lilian Ahmed (1) |Mounir Holyhel (1) | Alen Kassab (1)