Subtitles for


Желтый аист (The yellow stork) Imdb

  • Year: 1950
  • Subtitles rated good
  • Not rated
  • Visited
  • English
    • The.yellow.stork.1950.EN
    By Beringen1

    A Chinese tale of a wandering musician Mi was born at a time when China was ruled by cruel and greedy mandarins. A mandarin appeared on the market. He was brought in the palanquin by porters, and accompanied by guards. The common people fell to their knees and bowed to the ground. One musician Mi did not bow and disappeared from the guards. The musician was hid in the teahouse and in gratitude he played the flute and sang his songs to ordinary people.

  • Russian
    • Zhelty.aist.1950.RU
    By Beringen1

    Эта старинная китайская сказка о бродячем музыканте Ми родилась в те времена, когда Китаем управляли жестокие и жадные мандарины. На рынке появился мандарин. Его принесли в паланкине носильщики, а сопровождали стражники. Простые люди падали на колени и кланялись до земли. Один музыкант Ми не стал кланяться и скрылся от стражников. Музыканта спрятали в чайной и в благодарность он сыграл на флейте и спел простым людям свои песни.