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287 subtitles
- Poor Things
- Natsuyuki Rendezvous
- Suzume no Tojimari (すずめの戸締まり)
- The Best Offer (La Migliore Offerta)
- 1 Litre of Tears (Ichi rittoru no namida / 1リットルの涙)
- Love Affairs in the Afternoon (Weekday at 3PM Lover / Pyeongil Ohoo Seshiui Yeonin / 평일 오후 세시의 연인)
- Secret Garden (Sikeurit Gadeun / 시크릿 가든)
- Suspicious Partner (Love in Trouble / Soosanghan Pateuneo / 수상한 파트너)
- My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox (My Girlfriend is a Gumiho / Nae Yeojachinguneun Gumiho / 내 여자친구는 구미호)