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26 subtitles
- Mr. Queen (Queen Cheorin / Cheorinwanghoo / 철인왕후)
- Hotel Del Luna (Hotel Delluna / 호텔 델루나)
- The Relative Worlds (Ashita sekai ga owaru to shitemo / あした世界が終わるとしても)
- The Last Empress (Empress' Dignity / Hwanghooui Poomkyeok / 황후의 품격)
- Still 17 (Thirty But Seventeen / Seoreunijiman Yeolilgobibmida / 서른이지만 열일곱입니다)
- Drama Festival MBC - Old Goodbye (Old Hello / 오래된 안녕 / Oraedwen Annyeong)
- White Snake (Bai she: yuan qi / 白蛇:缘起)
- White Snake (Bai she: yuan qi / 白蛇:缘起)
- Triple Threat