User profile

21 subtitles
- The Attorney (The Counsel / Byeon-ho-in / 변호인)
- Summer Strike (I Don't Want To Do Anything / Amugeotdo Hago Sipji Anha / 아무것도 하고 싶지 않아)
- Run On (Leonon / Reonon / 런온)
- Do You Like Brahms? (Beuramseureul Joahaseyo? / 브람스를 좋아하세요?)
- Kim Ji-young: Born 1982 (Kim Ji Young, Born in ’82 / 82nyeonsaeng Kimjiyoung / 82년생 김지영)
- Chocolate (Chokolis / 초콜릿)
- Catch the Ghost (Catch Yoo-Ryung / Yooryungeul Jabara / 유령을 잡아라)
- Different Dreams (Yimong / 이몽)
- One Spring Night (Spring Night / Bombam / 봄밤)