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14 subtitles
- Hee-Soo (Huisu / 희수)
- One Missed Call (Chakushin ari)
- Wait Till You're Older (童夢奇緣 / Tung mung kei yun)
- Ghost Book Obakezukan (ゴーストブック おばけずかん)
- Mr. Vampire Saga (Mr. Vampire 4 / Jiang shi shu shu / 僵屍叔叔)
- Mr. Vampire Saga (Mr. Vampire 4 / Jiang shi shu shu / 僵屍叔叔)
- Monster (Mon-seu-teo)
- Monster (Mon-seu-teo)
- The Garden of Words (Koto no ha no niwa)