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90 subtitles
- Melancholia (Mellangkkollia / 멜랑꼴리아)
- She Would Never Know (Senior, Don't Put on that Lipstick / Sunbae, Geu Lipstick Bareujimayo / 선배, 그 립스틱 바르지 마요)
- Mr. Queen (Queen Cheorin / Cheorinwanghoo / 철인왕후)
- Mr. Queen: The Secret (Mr. Queen: The Bamboo Forest / Cheorinwanghoo: Daenamusup / 철인왕후: 대나무숲)
- The World of the Married (A World of Married Couple / Couple's World / Boobooui Sekye / 부부의 세계)
- Dali and the Cocky Prince (Dalli and Gamjatang / Dalriwa Gamjatang / 달리와 감자탕)
- Why Her? (Why Oh Soo Jae? / Wae Osujaeinga? / 왜 오수재인가)
- Flower of Evil (Akui Kkot / 악의 꽃)
- Flower of Evil (Akui Kkot / 악의 꽃)