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9 subtitles
- Oppenheimer
- To Catch a Killer (Misanthrope)
- She Devil
- The Wandering Earth II (Liu lang di qiu 2 / 流浪地球2)
- Love Me, Love Me Not (Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare / 思い、思われ、ふり、ふられ)
- Embattled
- Hitsuji to Okami no Koi to Satsujin (My Girlfriend is a Serial Killer / Love and Murder of Sheep and Wolf / 羊とオオカミの恋と殺人)
- Late Autumn
- Your Eyes Tell (Kimi no Me ga Toikaketeiru / きみの瞳(め)が問いかけている)