Subtitles by fiez (6)
Language Title | Type | H.I. | Comments | Ratings | Downloads | Date |
The Heirs (The Inheritors / Sangsokjadeul / 상속자들)
TV | 0 comments | 0 received | 2 |
4 years ago
Tracer (Teuleiseo / Teureiseo / 트레이서)
TV | 0 comments | 0 received | 2 |
3 years ago
A Love So Beautiful (Aleumdawossdeon Uliege / 아름다웠던 우리에게)
TV | 0 comments | 0 received | 2 |
4 years ago
The World of the Married (A World of Married Couple / Couple's World / Boobooui Sekye / 부부의 세계)
TV | 0 comments | 0 received | 2 |
5 years ago
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol (Dodosolsollalasol / 도도솔솔라라솔)
TV | 0 comments | 0 received | 1 |
4 years ago
Please Don't Date Him (Jebal Geu Namja Mannaji Mayo /제발 그 남자 만나지 마요)
TV | 0 comments | 0 received | 1 |
4 years ago