User profile

14 subtitles
- Manta, Manta
- The Empire (Cheongongui Seongchae / 디 엠파이어: 법의 제국)
- Trivial Matters (Por see yee / 破事兒)
- Hail the Judge (Jiu pin zhi ma guan: Bai mian Bao Qing Tian / 九品芝麻官)
- Manta, Manta
- High Risk AKA Meltdown (鼠胆龍威 / Shu dan long wei)
- A.V.
- Big Bullet (Chung fung dui: No foh gai tau / 衝鋒隊: 怒火街頭)
- Young and Dangerous (Goo wak chai: Yan joi gong woo)