Subtitles by pandool (3)
Language Title | Type | H.I. | Comments | Ratings | Downloads | Date |
Malasaña 32 (32 Malasana Street)
Blu-ray | 0 comments | 2 received | 7 |
4 years ago
Only the Animals (Seules les bêtes)
Blu-ray | 0 comments | 2 received | 19 |
4 years ago
Beasts That Cling to the Straw (Beasts Clawing at Straws / Jipuragirado Jabgo Sipeun Jimseungdeul / 지푸라기라도 잡고 싶은 짐승들)
Blu-ray | 0 comments | 3 received | 15 |
4 years ago