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26 subtitles
- Yes, Madam! (In the Line of Duty 2 / Huang jia shi jie)
- Knockabout (Za Jia Xiao Zi)
- Snake in the Eagle's Shadow (蛇形刁手 / Se ying diu sau)
- Monkey King Reborn (Journey to the West: The Reincarnation of the Demon King / 西游记之再世妖王)
- New Gods: Yang Jian (Xin shen bang: Yang Jian / 新神榜: 杨戬)
- Jiang Ziya (Legend of Deification / 姜子牙)
- Nezha (The Devil's Birth / Zhi Mo Tong Jiang Shi / 哪吒之魔童降世)
- The Young Hero of Shaolin (Xin Fang Shi Yu / 新方世玉)
- Corpse Party