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42 subtitles
- Perfect Days
- Legend of the Red Dragon (New legend of Shaolin / Hong Xi Guan: Zhi Shao Lin wu zu / 新少林五祖)
- Shaolin Temple 3: Martial Arts of Shaolin (Nan bei Shao Lin / 南北少林)
- Shaolin Temple 3: Martial Arts of Shaolin (Nan bei Shao Lin / 南北少林)
- Last Hero in China (Wong Fei Hung V: Tit gai dau ng gung)
- Days of Being Wild (A Fei jingjyuhn / 阿飛正傳)
- A Hen In The Wind (風の中の牝鶏 / Kaze no naka no mendori)
- The Record of a Tenement Gentleman (Nagaya shinshiroku)(Nagaya-Shinsi-Roku)
- Godland (Vanskabte land)