User profile

66 subtitles
- Eun-ha (은하)
- Serve the People (Inmineul Wihae Bokmuhara / 인민을 위해 복무하라)
- Skin of Roses (Dan Oniroku bara no nikutai / 団鬼六 薔薇の肉体)
- Walking Street
- Sing lek lek tee reak wa rak (First Love / A Little Thing Called Love)
- Career Opportunities
- Room in Rome (Habitación en Roma)
- Love Guide for Dumpees (Geugjeogin Harutbam / 극적인 하룻밤)
- You Are the Apple of My Eye (Ano koro, kimi wo oikaketa / あの頃, 君を追いかけた)