Subtitles by mailmacho (4)
Language Title | Type | H.I. | Comments | Ratings | Downloads | Date |
Witch Yoo Hee (Witch Ma / 마녀유희 / Manyeo Yu-hee)
TV | 0 comments | 3 received | 5 |
10 years ago
The Accidental Couple (Just Looking / Geujeo Bara Bodaga / 그저 바라 보다가)
TV | 0 comments | 7 received | 2 |
10 years ago
Personal Taste (Personal Preference / Kaeinui Chwihyang / 개인의 취향)
Telesync | 0 comments | 3 received | 4 |
10 years ago
Athena: Goddess of War, The Movie (Atena: Jeonjaengui Yeosin / 아테나: 전쟁의 여신)
Blu-ray | 0 comments | 0 received | 2 |
11 years ago