Subtitles by tomoboy (6)
Language Title | Type | H.I. | Comments | Ratings | Downloads | Date |
Memoir of a Murderer (A Murderer's Guide to Memorization / Salinjaui Gieokbeob / 살인자의 기억법)
Blu-ray | 0 comments | 9 received | 87 |
7 years ago
The Prison (Peurizeun / 프리즌)
Blu-ray | 0 comments | 12 received | 31 |
8 years ago
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Blu-ray | 0 comments | 3 received | 3 |
8 years ago
Ouroboros (Ouroboros - Kono Ai koso, Seigi / ウロボロス)
TV | 0 comments | 1 received | 3 |
10 years ago
Ouroboros (Ouroboros - Kono Ai koso, Seigi / ウロボロス)
TV | 0 comments | 1 received | 2 |
10 years ago
Ouroboros (Ouroboros - Kono Ai koso, Seigi / ウロボロス)
TV | 0 comments | 1 received | 2 |
10 years ago