Subtitles for

Aquaman Imdb
- Year: 2007
- Aquaman.S01E01 Pilot @DC_United
- Aquaman-S01x01-Pilot
By RevolzBagi yang sudah nggak sabar nonton versi movienya. Manual Translate, Amatiran. *Please Enjoy and Rate. Cocok dengan durasi 41:24. Kalau timingnya kurang cocok pake GOM Player aja, tekan < atau >
- Aquaman - Episode pilote - VOSTFR - 2006 - Traduit par Sandman56
By sandman56Aquaman - Episode pilote - VOSTFR - 2006 - Traduit par Sandman56
- Aquaman.S01E01.Pilot.SCREENER.XviD-iND
By EverMeCan't list how many dialog errors I corrected! On the old subtitle I thoroughly edited, many times things would not be understood right or at all. Now it is almost perfect except for a few phrases. If any native speaker notices, just notify me and I'll correct/complete them.
ارائه اي از کانال تلگرامي خیزش عدالت | مترجم: Sina Picaro