Subtitles for

Asterix and the Big Fight (Astérix et le coup du menhir) Imdb
- Year: 1989
- Asterix and the Big Fight 1989 720p
- Asterix and the Big Fight 1989.French.Blu-ray.1080p.DTS-HDMA.2.0.HEVC-DDR[EtHD]
By kawa kurdاول ترجمة عربية للفلم مني لكم هدية مظبوطةمع نسخة صوت الفرنسي مع تحياتى كوسره ت فتاح
- Astérix et le coup du menhir 1989
By AKISES1:19:53min
- Asterix and the Big Fight (''Astérix et le coup du menhir'')(1989)(BluRay, 01:19:58, 23.976fps)
By b3405697First decent English subtitle for this movie. The so-called "official" subs posted here are the most horrendous subs I've seen in my life. These were translated from French and adjusted according to what I thought was best. It's not polished, and I took some respectful creative liberties with more untranslatable parts like "The Rock Song". Nevertheless, it's objectively better than anything else we've got so far. I waive ALL copyright associated with my phrasing. Use as you wish.
By thegeek1English subs from US Dub DVD cleaned up to remove narration so as to go along with original French audio.
- Asterix and the Big Fight 1989 720p BRRip x264 AAC-KiNGDOM
By gnlThanks to VictorR
- Asterix.and.the.Big.Fight (1989) BDRip_EngVer_23.966fsp Vie
By VictorRAsterix and the Big Fight (Asterix và Trận Đại Chiến) 1989: Sub này được dịch từ bản blu-ray tiếng Anh. Chỉ dùng đúng cho bản tiếng Anh mà thôi.
- Asterix.and.the.Big.Fight (1989) BDRip_Eng_Version_23.966fsp
By VictorRThis sub is for the blu-ray, English version only. Enjoy!
- Asterix and The Big Fight.DVDRip-1989
By VictorRPhim thứ 6 trong loạt Asterix, Length: 01:16:52
- Asterix and The Big Fight.DVDRip-1989
By VictorR6th movies in the Asterix series, Length: 01:16:52
- 1989Asterix and the Big Fight
By pusan
I corrected as many lines b Listening to this. Sync perfectly. Hope you like it. Enjoy...!