Subtitles for

Death Note Rewrite (Death Note: Relight) Imdb
- Year: 2007
- [Anime Land] Death Note Relight Visions of a God (2007) (Dual Audio) Bluray 720p10P [7D90F8F1]
- Death Note R - Visions Of A God [DarkDream]
By BatiGol9Death Note R - Visions Of A God [DarkDream] متوافقة مع The Duke : ترجمة وتوقيت
- Death Note Directors Cut Rewrite The Visualizing God
By J.Bond( 913MP ) THANKS TO { dvd4arab and TheDuke for this sub not me }
ترجمة: داك، ضبط التوقيت: عمر