Subtitles for

Detective Conan Movie 18: The Sniper from Another Dimension Imdb
- Year: 2014
- Detective Conan - The Sniper From Another Dimension
- The Dimensional Sniper
- The Sniper From Another Dimension
By gakukuFor bluray releases eg Ganool I got it from some site which I don't remember, and resynced it. So I'm not taking the credit.
- Detective.Conan.Movie.18.The.Dimensional.Sniper.720p.Bluray,x264
By Aliff OsSynced, Fix Common Errors, Merge Short Lines, Split Long Lines, Spell Check. ENJOY
- Detective Conan Movie 18 (The Sniper From Another Dimension)
By 0nimush4Credit to Hubuki-SRS at I just resync to Ganool
- Detective.Conan.The.Sniper.from.Another.Dimension.2014.BluRay.720p.800MB.Ganool
By kuluntoyUsed Lantoy's subs and timed with Ganool's
- Detective Conan: The Sniper from Another Dimension
By Lantoynot perfect~ from .sup to .srt, removed intro and ED song lyrics
Used the previously posted english subtitles, and they had formatting errors that would cause the subtitles not to display at random points. Fixed the formatting and it now displays properly all the way through the movie, enjoy!