Subtitles for

Entertainer (Ddanddara / 딴따라) Imdb
- Year: 2016
- Entertainer.720p-NEXT
By AHMED.HeJaizee1 -
- 딴따라-Entertainer.E01-E18.END.720p-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO
- 딴따라-Entertainer.E01-E18.END.720p-NEXT-CineBus-ENT
- 딴따라-Entertainer.E01-E18.END.XviD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT
- 딴따라-Entertainer.E01-E18.END.540p-BarosG-LIMO-WITH-iPOP-SS
- 딴따라-Entertainer.E01-E18.END.480p-BarosG-LIMO-WITH-iPOP
- 딴따라-Entertainer.E01-E18.END.450p-CHAOSrel-WITH-iPOP
- 딴따라-Entertainer.E01-E18.END.450p-BarosG-LIMO
- 딴따라-Entertainer.E01-E18.END.HDTV.x264.360p-NEXT-Ernie
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of the episodes. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E18.END.160616.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Versions] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 18. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E17.160615.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 17. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E16.160609.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 16. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E15.160608.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 15. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E14.160602.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 14. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E13.160601.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 13. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E12.160526.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 12. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E11.160525.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 11. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E10.160519.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel-NEXT
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 10. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E09.160518.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel-NEXT
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 9. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E08.160512.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel-NEXT
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 8. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E07.160511.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel-NEXT
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 7. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E06.160505.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 6. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E05.160504.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 5. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E04.160428.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 4. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E03.160427.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 3. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E02.160421.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 2. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E01.160420.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Viki Version] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 1. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It and synchronized it to fit all of the versions}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E12.160526.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Subtitles by CupidFansub] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 12. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It}
- 딴따라.Entertainer.E11.160525.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-NEXT-CHAOSrel
By riri13[Subtitles by CupidFansub] Perfectly synced for all versions (bigger and smaller) of episode 11. Enjoy:):):) {Not mine I've just uploaded It}
- Entertainer.E10.160519.720p-NEXT
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق شايننق ستارز فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E09.160518.720p-NEXT
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق اوتوكيه فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E08.160512.720p-NEXT
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق شايننق ستارز فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E07.160511.720p-NEXT
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق شايننق ستارز فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E06.160505.720p-NEXT
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق اوتوكيه فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E05.160504.720p-NEXT
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق اوتوكيه فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E04.160428.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق شايننق ستارز فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E03.160427.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق شايننق ستارز فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E01.160420.720p-540p-450p-XViD-WITH-iPOP-BarosG-LIMO-CHAOSrel1
By RashrooshRashroosh ^_^
- Entertainer.E02.160421.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By mrhappy1الترجمة من فريق اتوكييه فانسب فشكرا لهم على توفير الترجمة
- Entertainer.E01.160420.HDTV.H264.720p-WITH
By mrhappy1الدراما من ترجمة فريق اوتكييه فانسب فشكراً لهُم على الترجمة