Subtitles for

Fix You (Soul Repairer / Younghonsoosungong / 영혼수선공)
- Year: 2020
- 一一영혼수선공一Fix.You.E01 to E32.END-2020-NEXT-KCW+Unk
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E31-E32.END-200625-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE31-E31.END KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:01:56
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E31-E32.END.200625-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E31-E32.END.200625-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E31-E32.END.200625-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E31-E32.END.200625-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 31 - 32 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Si Joon Can't be Head!" & "Si Joon, the New Head Center". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:56. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You一Complete一NEXT
By AnonymousComplete Ep. 1 - 32 END [VIU and Kocowa Ver.] Synced for NEXT.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E31-E32-END-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 31 - 32 END [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:56.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E29-E30-200624-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE29-E30 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:01:58
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E29-E30.200624-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E29-E30.200624-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E29-E30.200624-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E29-E30.200624-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 29 - 30 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "A Random Medicine Bottle Worries Si Joon" & "You're a Good Doctor". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:58. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E29-E30-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 29 - 30 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:58.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E27-E28-200618-aUnknown-KCW
By huebmanE27-E28 KCW Subs Sync 4 Unknown Ver.( with advs.). RT: 01:01:05
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E27-E28-200618-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE27-E28 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:00:51
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E27-E28.200618.HDTV.H264.720p-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E27-E28.200618.HDTV.H264.720p-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E27-E28.200618.HDTV.H264.720p-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E27-E28.200618.HDTV.H264.720p-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 27 - 28 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Woo Joo Goes Back in Time" & "A Letter from Mother". Synced for video with runtime > 01:01:06. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E27-E28.200618-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E27-E28.200618-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E27-E28.200618-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E27-E28.200618-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 27 - 28 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Woo Joo Goes Back in Time" & "A Letter from Mother". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:00:51. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E27-E28-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 27 - 28 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:00:51.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E25-E26-200617-aUnknown-KCW
By huebmanE25-E26 KW Subs Sync 4 Unknown Ver.( with advs.). RT: 01:01:08
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E25-E26-200617-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE25--E26 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:00:53
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E25-E26.200617-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E25-E26.200617-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E25-E26.200617-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E25-E26.200617-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 25 - 26 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Si Joon Saves Nurse Na" & "I Make People Around Me Feel Miserable". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:00:53. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E25-E26.200617.HDTV.H264.720p-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E25-E26.200617.HDTV.H264.720p-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E25-E26.200617.HDTV.H264.720p-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E25-E26.200617.HDTV.H264.720p-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 25 - 26 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Si Joon Saves Nurse Na" & "I Make People Around Me Feel Miserable". Synced for video with runtime > 01:01:08. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E25-E26-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 25 - 26 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:00:53.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E23-E24-200611-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE23-E24 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:01:31
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E23-E24-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 23 - 24 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:31.
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E23-E24.200611-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E23-E24.200611-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E23-E24.200611-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E23-E24.200611-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 23 - 24 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "A New Movement" & "Find Nurse Na". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:31. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E21-E22-200610-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE21-E22 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:02:37
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E21-E22.200610-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E21-E22.200610-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E21-E22.200610-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E21-E22.200610-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 21 - 22 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Young Won Is in Trouble" & "Who Is Responsible for Nurse Heo's Death?". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:37. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E21-E22-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 21 - 22 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:37.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E19-E20-200604-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE19-E20 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:01:38
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E19-E20.200604-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E19-E20.200604-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E19-E20.200604-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E19-E20.200604-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 19 - 20 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Will He Not Abandon Me?" & "I Won't Be Your Patient". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:38. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E19-E20-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 19 - 20 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:38.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E17-E18-200603-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE17-E18 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:03:05
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E17-E18.200603-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E17-E18.200603-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E17-E18.200603-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E17-E18.200603-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 17 - 18 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Si Joon Feels Something Different From Woo Joo" & "Dong Hyuk Feels Inferior to Si Joon". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:03:08. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E17-E18-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 17 - 18 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:03:05.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E15-E16-200528-aUnknown-KCW
By huebmanE15-E16 KCW Subs Sync Unknown Ver.( With Advs.) RT. 01:03:15
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E15-E16-200528-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE15-E16 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:02:00
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E15-E16.200528-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E15-E16.200528-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E15-E16.200528-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E15-E16.200528-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 15 - 16 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "You Abandoned Me" & "Get Well, Noo Ri". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:59. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E15-E16-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 15 - 16 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:00.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E13-E14-200527-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE13-E14 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:02:50
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E13-E14.200527-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E13-E14.200527-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E13-E14.200527-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E13-E14.200527-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 13 - 14 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "A Band-Aid" & "Woo Joo's Adoptive Mom". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:50. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E13-E14-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 13 - 14 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:50.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E11-E12-200521-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE11-E12 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:02:55
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E11-E12.200521-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E11-E12.200521-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E11-E12.200521-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E11-E12.200521-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 11 - 12 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Treating Voyeuristic Patients" & "Paraphilia Treatment". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:55. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E11-E12-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 11 - 12 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:55.
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E09-E10.200520-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E09-E10.200520-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E09-E10.200520-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E09-E10.200520-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 9 - 10 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Si Joon's Trauma" & "Woo Joo Quits". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:19. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E09-E10-200520-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE09-E10 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:01:19
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E09-E10-NEXT-KCW
By AnonymousEp. 9 - 10 [Kocowa Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:19.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E07-E08-200514-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE07-E08 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:01:46
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E07-E08.200514-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E07-E08.200514-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E07-E08.200514-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E07-E08.200514-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 7 - 8 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Do You Want to be My Patient?" & "Si Joon Loses His Patients". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:46. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E07-E08-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 7 - 8 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:46.
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E05-E06.200513.HDTV.H264.720p-Ads-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E05-E06.200513.HDTV.H264.720p-Ads-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E05-E06.200513.HDTV.H264.720p-Ads-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E05-E06.200513.HDTV.H264.720p-Ads-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 5 - 6 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Si Joon's Father" & "Woo Joo Accept Si Joon's Offer". Synced for Ads Ver. Runtime > 01:03:25. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E05-E06.200513-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E05-E06.200513-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E05-E06.200513-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E05-E06.200513-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 5 - 6 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Si Joon's Father" & "Woo Joo Accept Si Joon's Offer". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:08. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file or check my telegram channel at Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E05-E06-200513-aUnknown-KCW
By huebmanE05-E06 KCW Subs Sync 4 Unknown Ver. ( With advs.) RT: 01:03:25
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E05-E06-200513-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE05-E06 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:02:08
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E05-E06-NEXT-KCW
By AnonymousEp. 5 - 6 [Kocowa Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:02:08.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E03-E04-200506-NEXT-KCW
By ParkMinYoungDuration 1h.0m.41s
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E03-E04.200507-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E03-E04.200507-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E03-E04.200507-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E03-E04.200507-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 3 - 4 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Woo Joo Meets Si Joon" & "Do You Want to be My Patient?". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:00:41. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file. Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E03-E04-200507-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE03-E04 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT: 01:00:41
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E03-E04-NEXT-VIU
By AnonymousEp. 3 - 4 [VIU Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:00:41.
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E01-E02.200506-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E01-E02.200506-NEXT-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E01-E02.200506-NEXT-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E01-E02.200506-NEXT-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 1 - 2 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Patients in Psychiatry Department" & "A Sobriety Test". Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:54. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^. Note : video download link in txt file. Sorry if the sub doesn't sync well since I use android app to sync
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E01-E02.200506.HDTV.H264.720p-Ads-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Fix.You.E01-E02.200506.HDTV.H264.720p-Ads-KCW
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E01-E02.200506.HDTV.H264.720p-Ads-VIU
- 영혼수선공.Soul.Repairer.E01-E02.200506.HDTV.H264.720p-Ads-KCW
By RuoXiEp. 1 - 2 [VIU & Kocowa Ver.] "Patients in Psychiatry Department" & "A Sobriety Test". Synced for Ads Ver. Runtime > 01:03:07. Enjoy... ;). Check out My IG @ruo_xi_ss for subtitles updates ^^.
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E01-E02-200506-aUnk-KCW
By huebmanE01-E02 KCW Subs Sync 4 Unknown Ver. RT: 01:03:07
- 一영혼수선공一Fix.You.S01E01-E02-200506-NEXT-KCW
By huebmanE01-E02 KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT. RT:01:01:54
- 一영혼수선공一Fix-You-E01-E02-NEXT-KCW
By AnonymousEp. 1 - 2 [Kocowa Ver.] Synced for NEXT. Runtime > 01:01:54.
E01 to E31.END Complete Season KCW Subs Sync 4 NEXT + some Unk Vers.