Subtitles for
National Library of Medicine (國家醫學圖書館) Imdb
- Year: 1970
- A Fair Chance (National Tuberculosis Association, 1954)
- The Price of Survival (USPHS, 1957)
By Beringen1This film covers emergency plans necessary to cope with disaster situations.
- Anatomical Animation by Frank Armitage (1970)
By Beringen1Artist-animator-medical illustrator Frank Armitage combines footage from his professional medical animations with historical images to provide a lecture about the history of anatomical illustration, as well as the present-day (circa 1970) uses of anatomical animation in medical film. Why the film was made or where it was presented is unknown : no title or credits appear.
- Silent, but Leadly - Toxicity of Lead
By Beringen1An animation about lead, its uses and the impact on human health.
- Drinking Water (US Navy, 1945)
By Beringen1In humorous animated cartoon format, the soldier is instructed to drink only water from safe supplies. The consequences of not rationing one's individual water supply when away from camp are shown. The dangers of drinking from untreated water supplies are shown. The locale is the Asian jungle ; the enemy is Japan. Film aimed at marines engaged in jungle warfare.
- The Inside Story - A United States Coast Guard training film (US Coast Guard, 1944)
By Beringen1This film outlines the most common emotional illnesses that may be suffered by a civilian upon entering a military service and suggests how the individual serviceman can deal with them. Anxiety can be caused by isolation from family and familiar circumstances, the pressures of military training, lack of privacy in barracks life, and worry about performing one's duty.
- Strictly Personal - War Department official training film (US Army Pictorial Service, 1945)
By Beringen1This film presents advice on fitness and health to servicewomen -- nutrition, rest, exercise, etc. The film gives an explanation of menses, personal hygiene, prevention of disease, care of the feet, etc.
- About Faces (USPHS, 1941)
By Beringen1This film tells the story of an average American family, in particular Danny, the young son in the family, and their approach to dental care. Attitudes toward dentistry and dental habits good and bad are explored, with an emphasis on the consequences of ignoring the importance of oral health. Out of their experiences come the lessons that lead to good dental health.
- Two Lives (National Tuberculosis Association, 1953)
By Beringen1This film dramatizes the case history of a family man who takes pride in the hard physical labor that is part of his job as a surveyor. Having set aside his college studies to work fulltime and get married, he is unsure what to do when he is diagnosed with tuberculosis, must spend more than a year recovering, and is told by his doctor that he needs to work in a field that is less physically taxing.
- T.B. Nurse Wallace (Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 1952)
By Beringen1This film is a dramatization of the arrival and settling-in of a newly-minted nurse at a tuberculosis sanitarium. At first she is unsure of her skills, and worried that she will contract the disease from her patients. She freezes during an emergency situation, but sees how the experienced nurses handle it, and as she becomes more experienced and confident herself, her perspective changes and her abilities are sharpened.
- Birthright (Georgia Dept of Public Health, 1951)
By Beringen1This film features a pregnant couple named John and Liza Lloyd. They live with Liza's parents, and John works with his father-in-law raising chickens. One day, John and Liza get in a fight, and John gets drunk and has an affair with a bartender named Nell. Soon after, Liza tells John that she's pregnant, and Nell learns that she has syphilis.
- Mother-Infant Interaction (New York University, 1967)
By Beringen1This is the first installment in a series about the behavioral and emotional interaction between mothers and infants in the first year of life. In a study of these relationships, more than 100 mother-infant pairs were observed clinically, and the feeding of each infant by the mother was filmed at intervals during the year. Seven types of maternal behavior with infants are shown.
This film tells the story of a man who has recovered from tuberculosis, and the prejudice and hardship he faces after he comes home. He expects to return to his regular employer, but is told there's no job for him. Old friends don't wish to socialize, and his daughter's acquaintances are reluctant to come to the house.