Subtitles for

Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran Imdb
- Year: 2018
- Parmanu 2018ndi.720p.WEBRip.x264.AC3.ESubs.-.Hon3yHD
By Andrea1717 -
- Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran
By aquarius69Runtime: 2:03:53
- Parmanu bangla subtitle
By Hasib01Thanks for downloading
- Parmanu.The.Story.Of.Pokhran.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.MX]
By dok_calculusHindi language only was translated to English
- Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran (2018)
- Parmanu.The.Story.Of.Pokhran.2018.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM]
By REDA77srt النصية الأصلية 🅽🅴🆃🅵🅻🅸🆇 ترجمة
MalayalamBy MSonesubs
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By 415Full Translate... Sorry for the mistakes... Notes : No Resync... Jika ada rilisan yang tidak sync dengan 2 versi sub ini tolong diberitahu dikolom komen, Nanti akan saya Resync... Terima kasih...Enjoy...
- Parmanu The Story of Pokhran (2018) 1080p NF WEB-DL DD 5.1 H.264 =TeamSunny=
By TehBotolSosroUntuk Durasi 02:03:53 Resync dari sub Guavaberry dan sedikit perbaikan dan tambahan text. Masih ada omongan bahasa inggris yang tidak diterjemahin, tapi setidaknya lebih baik dari yg sudah ada, yg mau perbaiki lagi silakan :)
- Parmanu.The.Story.Of.Pokhran.2018.1080p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM]
By aji4u4ever -
IndonesianBy guavaberry1
- Parmanu.The.Story.of.Pokhran.2018.All.Web.Farsi
- Parmanu.2018.720p.WebDL.BollyCine.Exclusive
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran (2018) Hindi - 720p WEBHDRip
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) - 720p -WebRip - Hindi - x264 - AC3 - DD5.1 - ESub - Mafiaking - M2Tv
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) 720p WebRip - x264 AC3 5.1 - DTOne Exclusive
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) 1-3 WebRip - x264 AC3 5.1 - DTOne Exclusive
- Parmanu The Story of Pokhran (2018) Hindi 720p HDRip x264 AAC 900MB [MovCr]
- Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran (2018) Hindi 720p HDRip x264 1GB Team 7SHD
- Parmanu - The Story of Pokhran (2018) 720p Hindi HDRip x264 AAC 1.4 GB [MOVCR]
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran (2018) HINDI 1080p WEB-HD x264 AAC -2.7GB[MOVCR]
By Bollywoodihaکاملترین ترجمه تخصصی - WebHD V1
- Parmanu.2018.All.Web.Farsi
- Parmanu.2018.1080p.WebDL.BollyCine.Exclusive
- Parmanu The Story of Pokhran (2018) Hindi v2 720p Netflix
- Parmanu.The.Story.of.Pokhran.2018.Hindi.1080p.NF.WEBRip.x264
- Parmanu.The.Story.of.Pokhran.2018.Hindi.720p.NF.WEBRip.x264.DTone
- Parmanu The Story of Pokhran 2018 Hindi 720p WEBRip-x264-AC3-Zi$t
- Parmanu The Story of Pokhran 2018 Hindi NF WebRip 720p 5.1 ESub - mkvCinemas
- Parmanu 2018 1080p NF WEB-DL x264 AC3 5.1 ESub - M2Tv
- Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran (2018) Hindi v2 720p Netflix HDRip x264 AAC 1GB [MovCr]
- Parmanu The Story of Pokhran 2018 1080p Netflix DL AVC DD 5.1 Team Jio Exclusive
By Bollywoodihaکاملترین ترجمه تخصصی - WebHD NF
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) Hindi 1GB WebRip x264 AAC - Downloadhub
By ahmedtarek1212ترجمة عربية
- Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran (2018) Hindi HDRip - 400MB - x264 - MP3 - ESub
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran (2018) Hindi - 720p WEBHDRip
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) - 720p -WebRip - Hindi - x264 - AC3 - DD5.1 - ESub - Mafiaking - M2Tv
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018)- 1CD - WebRip - Hindi - x264 - MP3 - ESub - Mafiaking - M2Tv
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) 720p Esub WebRip 5.1 Hindi GOPISAHI @ Team IcTv
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) 720p WebRip - x264 AC3 5.1 - DTOne Exclusive
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) 1-3 WebRip - x264 AC3 5.1 - DTOne Exclusive
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018).1CD.WebRip .x264.AAC..DTOne
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018)Hindi WebRip XviD - LOKI - M2Tv ExCluSivE
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) Hindi 2CD WebRip x264 DD 5.1 - LOKI - M2Tv ExCluSivE
- Parmanu - The Story Of Pokhran(2018) Hindi 1GB WebRip x264 AAC - Downloadhub
By SupunW1🖤 Perfect Sync and Corrected 🖤- For All HDRIP & WEBRIP
- - Parmanu The Story of Pokhran (2018) Hindi v2 720p Netflix HDRip x264 AAC 1GB [MovCr]
By chathosPerfect Sync with nf version
- Parmanu - The Story of Pokhran (2018) Hindi 720p HDRip x264 AAC -JM Team
By chathosTried My best to sync . Hope its fine. movie source hon3yhd