Subtitles for

Special Laws of Romance (로맨스 특별법 / Laws of Romance)
- Year: 2017
- 로맨스 특별법.Special.Laws.of.Romance.E03.NAVER-VLIVE by prf.mia
- 💋 Park Chorong 💋 Special Laws of Romance E06 [END]
By ayudgloufvaxSource from RuoXi. Akhirnya selesai juga minnaaaaaaaaaa >< Apresiasi terbesar gue untuk Chorong, karena lidfemnya dialah makany gue mw ngesub, dan kedua karena Min Kyu yg lagi tenar sekarang :'v Sampai jumpa disub2 gue yg lain yeorubun~~~~
- 💋 Park Chorong 💋 Special Laws of Romance E05
By ayudgloufvaxSource from RuoXi. Padahal Ui Chan & Ji Hye ga pacaran ya. Wajar ga sih kalo Ji Hye cemburu? T.T
- 💋 Park Chorong 💋 Special Laws of Romance E04
By ayudgloufvaxSource from RuoXi. Ciye yang cemburu ciyeeeeee xD
- 💋 Park Chorong 💋 Special Laws of Romance E03
By ayudgloufvaxSource from RuoXi. Lawak liat Hyuk disini bawaannya pengen ngakak xD
- 💋 Park Chorong 💋 Special Laws of Romance E02
By ayudgloufvaxSource from RuoXi. Demi apa deh Kim Min Kyu ganteng bangetttt. Senyumnya itulohhhhhhh ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
- 💋 Park Chorong 💋 Special Laws of Romance E01
By ayudgloufvaxSource from RuoXi. Sumpah baru tau kalau Kim Min Kyu ini yang main di BTIMFL >< Makanya buru-buru ngesub ❤
- 로맨스 특별법.Special.Laws.of.Romance.E02.NAVER-VLIVE by prf.mia
By Prf.MiaManual translate Special Laws of Romance episode 02. Maaf jika istilah hukum yang kurang tepat.💕Dilarang re-upload, menghapus/mengganti nama subber di dalam sub ini, hargai usaha subber 💕Please rate good👍 if u like it😍
- Special Laws of Romance Ep 2 Naver-VLIVE JlovA
By JlovAEngsub credit to RuoXi. Tolong ijin dulu sebelum menghardsub subtitle ini. Video :
- Special Laws of Romance Ep 1 Naver-VLIVE JlovA
By JlovAEngsub credit to RuoXi. Tolong ijin dulu sebelum menghardsub subtitle ini. video :
- 로맨스 특별법.Special.Laws.of.Romance.E01.NAVER-VLIVE by prf.mia
By Prf.MiaManual translate Special Laws of Romance ep 01. Maaf jika istilah hukum yang kurang tepat.💕Dilarang re-upload, menghapus/mengganti nama subber di dalam sub ini, hargai usaha subber 💕Please rate good👍 if u like it😍
Manual translate Special Laws of Romance E.03. Maaf jika istilah hukum yang kurang tepat.💕Dilarang re-upload, menghapus/mengganti nama subber di dalam sub ini, hargai usaha subber 💕Please rate good👍 if u like it😍