Subtitles for


Tale of the fisherman and the goldfish (Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке) Imdb

  • Year: 1950
  • Subtitles rated good
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  • Russian
    • Skazka.o.rybake.i.rybke.1950.RU
    By Beringen1

    «Сказка о рыбаке и рыбке» — советский цветной рисованный мультипликационный фильм, который создал режиссёр Михаил Цехановский на студии «Союзмультфильм» в 1950 году. Экранизация одноимённой сказки (1833) А. С. Пушкина. Старик с женой живут у моря. Старик добывает пропитание рыбной ловлей, а старуха прядёт пряжу. Однажды в сети старика попадается необычная золотая рыбка, способная говорить человеческим языком.

  • Chinese BG code
    By Beringen1

    《漁夫和金魚的故事》,是俄國詩人普希金在1833年創作的童話詩,流傳很廣,其內容改寫自格林童話的《漁夫和他的妻子》,講述的是關於貪婪、善良、仁慈的故事。需要指出的是,該故事所說的“金魚”,是條金的魚,而並非作為一個魚類品種的金魚。 1950年,該故事被Mikhayl Tsekhanovsky拍成了同名動畫片。

  • English
    • Tale.of.the.fisherman.and.the.goldfish.1950.V02.EN
    By Beringen1

    The old man and his wife lived by the sea. The old man got the livelihood of fishing, and once caught in his network an unusual goldfish, able to speak the human language. The fish begged to let her go to sea, and the old man let her go without asking for a reward. Returning home, he told about what happened to his wife. She called him a fool and a simpleton, but demanded that he return to the sea, called the fish and demanded a reward.

  • English
    • Tale.of.the.fisherman.and.the.goldfish.1950.V01.EN
    By Beringen1

    An old man and woman have been living poorly for many years. They have a small hut, and every day the man goes out to fish. One day, he throws in his net and pulls out seaweed two times in succession, but on the third time he pulls out a golden fish. The fish pleads for its life, promising any wish in return. However, the old man is scared by the fact that a fish can speak ; he says he does not want anything, and lets the fish go.