Subtitles for

The Blood of Youth (Siu Nin Go Haang / Song of Adolescence / Shao Nian Ge Xing / 少年歌行) Imdb
- Year: 2022
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E40. Edited Viki subs
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E01-E40. Edited Viki subs by Premamaris
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E01-E40 + Epilogue. FINALISED EDITS. Many thanks to Viki for original subs; thanks also to English translators of the novel. Once again, thanks to the staunch little band of followers who waited patiently during this 7 month long project. See you again! ZAI JIAN!
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E39. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E39 edit of Viki. All the usual edits. One ep to go! NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E38. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E38 edit of Viki. I've referred to the translated novel and Chinese-English dictionary to correct all mistranslations and fix up the poetry verse quotes. Enjoy! NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks. Two episodes to finish!
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E37. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E37 edit of Viki. Fixed all the quotes/sayings mistranslations. Enjoy! NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E36. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E36 edit. Fixed the mistranslations in the Changhe and Muyu confrontation. Made sure all the flashback scenes had their original dialogue. Enjoy! NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E35. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E35 edit of Viki. The usual tidy up! Five eps to go. Enjoy! NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E34. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E34 edit of Viki. Fixed more mistranslations etc. Enjoy. NO uploads to video/streaming websites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E33. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E33 edit of Viki subs. My favourite character in this eventful episode is Xiao Lingchen. Enjoy! NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E32. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E32 edit of Viki. Extensive retiming and mistranslation corrections as always. Thank you to the series fans hanging in with me on this long project, you know who you are! (NO uploads to video/streaming sites)
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E31. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E31 edit of Viki. Added the poetry couplet missing in last scenes. Enjoy. NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E30. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E30 edit of Viki. Corrected quite a few mistranslations and made a bit more sense of Chong's eye surgery. Ten eps to go!! NO uploads to streaming/video sites, thanks. Enjoy
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E29. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E29 + corrected E28 (added missing line). Will try to get back into weekend upload after getting out of schedule! Enjoy. NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E28. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E28. A little late due to having visitors for a few days, but finally managed to finish this ep. Enjoy. NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E27. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E27 edit of Viki. Quite a moving episode as Xiao Se springs another surprise. Enjoy! NO uploads to video/streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E26. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E26 edit of Viki. Plodded through this with a head cold but managed to make the subtitles make more sense. Enjoy. NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E25. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E25 edit of Viki. My second attempt to upload this with a consistent title! NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks
- The.Blood.of.Youth.S01E25.2022.1080p.WEB-DL.H265.AAC-BlackTV
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E25 edit of Viki. I've made a bit more sense of some addled subs in this episode. Enjoy! NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks. (PS By the end of the series, I will go back and re-edit every episode and will check the timing of the opening song as E01 opening song has a different start time than in the rest of the eps)
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E24. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E24 edit of Viki. And now we leave the Snow-Moon City arc! Enjoy. Definitely NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E23. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E23 edit. Great forest fight scene! Extensive retiming and correction of mistranslations as usual. Enjoy! NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E22. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E22. I had a busy week and had to scramble for time to finish this episode! Enjoy! NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E21. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E 21 edit of Viki. Enjoy. NO uploading to video streaming sites
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E20. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E20. Halfway through the series! Corrected all the mistranslations; some things now make more sense! Would like to be able to speed up editing but I have edited myself out. NO uploading to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E19. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E19 edit of Viki subs. Added more info from the translated novel. Each episode takes about 5 days to edit due to extensive retiming and corrections. Enjoy! NO video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E18. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E18 edit of Viki. A rather emotional episode. NO video streaming site uploads, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E17. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E17 edit of Viki subs. This project has my editing brain in a daze! Onwards I go! NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E16. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E16 edit of Viki. Had to slog on this ep: too many lines way out in timing and missing words. Got it all sorted out so enjoy! NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E15. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E15 edit of Viki. Extensive edit as always; slowed down by all the retiming and error corrections but will eventually get there! Enjoy! NO uploading to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E14. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E14 Extensive edit of Viki subs. Enjoy. NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E13. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E13 edit of Viki. Extensively edited and retimed. I already have subs-edit-brain-daze. Keep enjoying! NO uploading to video streaming websites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E12. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E12 edit of Viki. All the usual tweaking and timing. Enjoy! NO uploads to streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E11. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E11 edit of Viki. All the usual retiming, correcting mistranslations, improving syntax. Enjoy! NO uploading to video streaming sites, thanks
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E01-E10. Edited Viki subs. Finalised re-edits
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E01-E10 Finalised edits of first 10 eps. All naming now consistent; extensive retiming; viki mistranslations corrected; improved syntax. This is a time intensive project! Will begin editing the next 10 eps soon! NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E09. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E09. This was a slow edit due to coping with a week of bad heatwave. I've changed two names for better translation: Xiao Se's teacher is Sage of All-Knowing Hall; Zhao Zhuzen's sect is now Mt. True-Gaze since they are truthgazers who do divinations. These changes will be included in whole series when finalised. Enjoy. NO uploading to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E08. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E08 extensive edit of Viki. Enjoy! NO uploads to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E07. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E07 edit of Viki subs. Extensively edited and retimed as usual. Enjoy! NO uploading to video streaming sites, thanks.
- The Blood of Youth Ep1-40
By kingcastillo
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E06. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E06 extensive edit of Viki subs. "One thought away from being a Demon or a Buddha". Enjoy! NO uploads to streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E05. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E05 extensive edit of Viki subs. This episode was dense with dialogue and information. Enjoy! NO uploading to video streaming sites, thanks.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E04. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS E04 edit of Viki subs. Slow progress as I am correcting all the little mistranslations. Enjoy. NO uploading to video streaming sites, thanks
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E03. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS edit of Viki. Corrected mistranslations; improved syntax; did my best with the 'blockhead" word play. Enjoy! NO uploading to video streaming sites, thanks
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E01-E02. Edited Viki subs
By premamarisPREMAMARIS edit of Viki E01-E02. Retimed; corrected translation errors; Chinese names of places/martial arts/objects changed into English; added extra info about skills/weapons from novel. I've added this drama to my "keep collection" and will edit slowly. Hello to anyone hanging in with me to the end of this project. NO uploading to video streaming websites, thanks.
- The Blood of Youth S01E01-E40 2022 Subs by VIKI
By premamarisVIKI SUBS E01-E40. Excellent subs from VIKI subbers.
- THE BLOOD OF YOUTH E01. 2022.1080p.WEB-DL.H265
By premamarisPREMAMARIS edit of Youku subs; retimed, corrections of errors; place names in English; martial arts notes from novel. SLOW PROJECT!!! And NO posting on video streaming sites, thanks.
- SNGX.2022.EP01-40.HD1080P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS.BDYS
By MK916Youku subtitles for BDYS version.
- SNGX.2022.EP15-16.HD1080P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS.BDYS.EN
By m00m00DuDeSync and aligned for each episode.
By premamarisPREMAMARIS subs for Epilogue (I used Google Translate app and English translated original novel). If you're looking for the 5 minute clip, I lost the link. Do a web search and good luck. To share these subs, please link back here.
- The Blood of Youth EP40 END YOUKU
By MaulanaZxZ -
- The Blood of Youth EP38-E39 YOUKU
By MaulanaZxZ -
- The Blood of Youth EP36-E37 YOUKU
By MaulanaZxZ -
- The Blood of Youth EP35 YOUKU
By MaulanaZxZ -
- The Blood of Youth EP34 YOUKU
By MaulanaZxZ -
- The Blood of Youth EP17-33 YOUKU
By MaulanaZxZYouku English Subtitle | Episode 17-33 Fresh Update
- The Blood of Youth EP14-16 YOUKU
By PinkBunny -
- SNGX.2022.EP10-14.HD1080P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS.BDYS.EN
By m00m00DuDeSubs are sync accordingly to each episode.
- The Blood of Youth EP01-13 YOUKU
By PinkBunny -
- SNGX.2022.EP01-09.HD1080P.X264.AAC.Mandarin.CHS.BDYS.EN
By m00m00DuDeThese sub titles are sych accordingly for each episode.
PREMAMARIS E40 edit of Viki. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO FIND THE FINALISED EDITS E01-E40. I have re-edited every previous episode for consistency of terminology. Just look for the E01-E40 final edits and discard all previous. Enjoy! NO streaming site uploads, thanks